Sunday, March 24, 2019

Long Live the Tribe of Fatherless Girls by T Kira Madden

Long Live the Tribe of Fatherless Girls

T Kira Madden had everything a girl could want: she lived in a mansion, had access to all of the shoes from her family's empire, barely had any rules growing up, wads of cash in her hands, and her very own pony (yes, her very own pony!). So, she should have been flying high, footloose and fancy free, right?

Well, the high part, sure. But the rest, well, it just goes to show that money can't buy happiness is not just a platitude; for T Kira, it was a fact. Because when your parents are mostly failing at sobriety, you can get away with a lot more than you should. There were so many times when reading this book that I had to check back on her age. The timelines of her memories float back and forth and all around, so when she was talking about being taken advantage of by older men, hanging out with drug dealers, and drinking down half of her father's vodka and orange juice, I'd forget and assume she must have been in her late teens. Sadly, so many terrible things happened to her when she was eight. Nine. Ten. She was a prime target for so many things that should have been safely out of reach. 

This is a story of a privileged childhood fraught with a hell of a lot of money and lot of danger. It's what happens when a beautiful child is left to her own devices in a world where everything comes easy, but forgetting is hard. When things happen to a soul, when innocence becomes a thing of the past even during childhood and when a girl finds her voice and tells her side of the story to the world.


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