Sunday, May 19, 2019

This One Summer by Mariko Tamaki + Jillian Tamaki

 This One Summer

This One Summer follows Rose and her parents as they return to their summer house at Awago Beach. There, Rose reunites with her summer friend, Windy.

It's not a very fun summer for Rose. Her parents won't stop arguing and though her father tries to reassure her not to worry about it, that it's just adult stuff, her mother's depression is unbearable.

Rose escapes to the beach most days with Windy, a fellow only child, who she sees every summer. They gossip, hang out at the beach, and rent scary movies. It's at the general store where they rent their movies that they catch glimpses of the lives of some older teenagers who live in the area. They're intriguing, these older teens, with their secret hangouts and drunken parties and crazy drama. Rose and Windy mainly gather insights through holes in fences, by eavesdropping on conversations and via the teens' loud partying, but the drama culminates when Rose finds herself caught in the middle of a pivotal moment in one of the older teen's lives.

Sometimes drama can separate people; sometimes it can unite. Sometimes kids just want to be older until they're thrust into adult situations when they just want to re-embrace childhood. And sometimes a summer vacation is good, but sometimes it's just good to be home. No matter what, there's always next summer...

Judge the cover: 3/5


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