Thursday, July 12, 2018

Calypso by David Sedaris

What's the worst thing about every book that David Sedaris has ever written? That they all come to an end.

"Nooooooo…." I wailed to myself as I came to the last page. "Why???? Why do they all have to finish?" I just want to read his books forever and ever. They're just so relatable. And when they're not relatable, they're hilarious. And when they're not hilarious, they're thought-provoking. They make you think and ponder and want to be his friend. They make you double over with laughter one on page and make your heart beat harder with emotion on the next. Calypso? No exception.

Here were some of my thoughts while reading Calypso:

- Page 1: "Here we go! Remember: Read sloooowly. Savour this book."
- He fed what to a turtle?!!!
- I have my very own Calypso. He lives next door and his name is Mr. Stinkers and there is absolutely no way he likes you more than me.
- David sure knows how to put the fun in tragedy.
- Carol was completely endearing. When it comes to wild animals and our reactions to them, I am David; my husband is Hugh.
- I'm so glad I've heard David Sedaris' voice before because now whenever I read his books, it's his voice I hear reading them to me in my head.
- Fuck, I hope that never happens to me on a plane. Or anywhere else for that matter.
- Wow. He sure picks up a lot of garbage.
- I really want to be friends with David Sedaris. And not just so I could score an invite to the Sea Section.
- This book is one that lives up to its blurb: "This is beach reading for people who detest beaches, required reading for those who loathe small talk and love a good tumor joke." I mean, who doesn't love a good tumor joke? You've already been told it's good...
- The last page: "You should have read that slower. Now it's over, you idiot." Immediately Googles: "David Sedaris next book", "When is David Sedaris' birthday", then just "David Sedaris" to see what Google would auto-fill for me after those two words. Then I Googled Hugh to see what he looked like.

What a perfect kick-off-to-summer book.


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