Saturday, June 29, 2013

Hollow Wonderful Glorious

The girl sat hunched into herself. One might have observed that she was curled up like a shrimp. Or a potato bug. She was trying her best to protect herself. She was failing terribly. The girl felt overcome and hollow.

She thought of the body and of material possessions and how none of it makes sense. There is never any peace. She felt beyond hollow, as though she was composed of only eggshells and that the slightest movement may shatter her entire existence into dust.

- - - - - - - -

Her favourite record was playing. A smile briefly superimposed itself on the girl's face. The voice wafting through the air calmed her. She felt a little less hollow because she sensed her idol had also felt hollow many times just like her.

Infinite negatives fused at that exact moment and all that were left were positives.

She felt a little less hollow. A little less alone.


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